
Golden Harvest 2015
Golden HarvestGolden Harvest 2015
Golden Harvest
Shot over the last 6 months in the South of England, this years Golden Harvest is captured from the skies above.
Although incredibly beautiful, Agriculture is still one of the most dangerous areas in work in the world. We were reminded of this when Alan a wonderful man and great farmer met with a tragic accident in July 2015. No words can describe the loss but in his spirit the 'show must go on' and so please join me for a few moments in his memory and to celebrate something very special.
For the Golden Harvest collection please check out
'Tree to Stone' by Fremont licensed from
'Clouds Catch. Fire by Fever Fever licensed from
"Suicide express for 2 Pianos" by Bladiator also avaialble from the Vimeo Music Store cc 3.0